Wednesday 25 September 2024

Why study economics? The website edition...

I've had a long-running series of posts on this blog titled "why study economics" (see the links at the end of this post). So I was interested to find out that there is a whole website devoted to the question, why study economics? [Note: The website isn't protected by https, so you might have to click through a browser warning to get to it].

The website is UK-centric, so many of the details won't apply to New Zealand students. However, it still has interesting sections on: (1) what is economics; (2) whether economics would be a good choice for you (your ambitions); (3) what to expect during your studies; and (4) what to expect after you graduate. In the third section, there is a particularly comical page entitled "A day in the life of an Economics student" (although it does require one translation: what they call a 'seminar' in the UK, we call a 'tutorial' in New Zealand).

Anyway, there is lots of good information on the site for prospective economics students, and the 'After you graduate' section is especially helpful. It includes a 'careers cloud', which shows the types of industries that economics graduates go into:

I think I'll probably use this in my mini-lecture presentation on Open Day next year. If you're thinking about studying economics, then definitely take a look at the Why Study Economics website.

[HT: The book How to Be a Successful Economist, which I am reading right now, and will review sometime next week]

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