Monday, 24 March 2025

New Zealand's supermarket sector needs a hero

In yesterday's post, I discussed market power and competition, noting that when there is a lack of competition, firms have more market power, and that means higher mark-ups and higher prices for consumers. An example of a market where there appears to be a high degree of market power is the supermarket sector in New Zealand.

It wasn't always this way. When I was young, I remember there being a large number of different supermarket brands. In Tauranga in the mid-1990s, along Cameron Road between the CBD and Greerton there was Price Chopper (which was previously 3 Guys), Pak'nSave, Big Fresh, Foodtown, New World, and Countdown (and there may be others that I've forgotten, as well as several smaller superettes).

One of the main ways that a market ends up highly concentrated is to start with a market that has some degree of competition, but then some of the firms merge (or take each other over), leaving fewer firms and less competition. In the context of supermarkets in New Zealand, this process is outlined in this article in The Conversation by Lisa Asher, Catherin Sutton-Brady (both University of Sydney), and Drew Franklin (University of Auckland):

The current state of New Zealand’s supermarket sector – dominated by Woolworths (formerly Countdown), Foodstuffs North Island and Foodstuffs South Island – is a result of successive mergers and acquisitions along two tracks.

The first was Progressive Enterprises’ (owner of Foodtown, Countdown and 3 Guys banners) purchase of Woolworths New Zealand (which also owned Big Fresh and Price Chopper) in 2001.

Progressive Enterprises was sold to Woolworths Australia, its’ current owner, in 2005. In less than 25 years, six brands owned by multiple companies were whittled down to a single brand, Woolworths.

The second was the concentration of the “Foodstuffs cooperatives” network. This network once included four regional cooperatives and multiple banners including Mark'n Pak and Cut Price, as well as New World, PAK’nSave and Four Square.

The decision of the four legally separate cooperatives to include “Foodstuffs” in their company name blurred the lines between them. The companies looked similar but remained legally separate.

As a result of mergers, these four separate companies have now become Foodstuffs North Island – franchise limited share company, operating according to “cooperative principles” and Foodstuffs South Island, a legal cooperative.

And so now we find ourselves in a situation with three large supermarket firms, two of which (Foodstuffs North Island and Foodstuffs South Island) are effectively two arms of the same firm, and certainly aren't competing with each other because they operate only on their 'own' islands. With such a lack of competition many people, including Asher et al., are clamouring for change.

Increasing competition in the supermarket sector could take one of two forms. Asher et al. argue that inviting an international competitor into the market will take too long, citing the example of Aldi in Australia, which "took 20 years to reach scale as a third major player in that country". Their preference is 'forced divestiture', breaking up the existing supermarkets into smaller competing firms. Essentially, this would be something of a return to the situation prior to some of the mergers that have characterised the past 30 years of the supermarket sector in New Zealand, but would require a drastic legislative intervention from government.

However, before the government imposes such a dramatic change on this market, it really needs some solid analysis of the impacts of the change. Large supermarket firms benefit from economies of scale in purchasing, logistics and distribution, as well as back-office functions (like payroll, marketing, and finance). If smaller supermarket firms face higher costs because they can't take advantage of the economies of scale available to larger supermarket firms, then breaking up the supermarket chains into smaller chains could lead to even higher prices for consumers. On the other hand, smaller supermarket chains have less bargaining power with suppliers, which might mean that the supermarket suppliers receive better prices (but again, that means higher prices for consumers). Without some careful economic modelling, which has not been done to date, we can't make a clear-eyed assessment of the likely net change in consumer and producer welfare.

And we should be cautious. If forced divestiture starts to gain some political traction, you can bet that the supermarket chains will release some economic analysis that supports a position that breaking them up will be worse for consumers. And consumer advocates might even be able to support their own analyses, showing the opposite. What is needed is a truly independent assessment. And before you raise it, I doubt that we get that sort of independent assessment from the Commerce Commission. They know that their bills are paid by the government of the day, and they may respond accordingly.

Asher et al. ask us to "stop waiting of a foreign hero". What we need is an economist hero, with an independent analysis of the supermarket sector in hand.

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