Saturday 24 August 2024

Try this: Stata cheat sheets

Despite the rise of R, and more recently Python, most economists still rely on Stata. Understanding any statistical software entails a steep learning curve, and Stata is no different. So, any opportunity to shorten the learning curve should be accepted with open arms.

I recently discovered that Stata has a bunch of 'cheat sheets' available here, that were developed by Tim Essam and Laura Hughes. They cover the fundamental commands associated with: (1) data analysis; (2) programming; (3) data processing; (4) data transformation; (5) data visualisation; and (6) plotting in Stata. They will come in handy for both novices and experienced users alike.

Essam and Hughes have further training resources available on GitHub here (which made me realise that I have seen these cheat sheets, or earlier versions of them, before - I shared them with my colleagues and PhD students back in 2016, although I didn't post the links to this blog).

Anyway, the cheat sheets are certainly helpful. Enjoy! 

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