Friday 21 June 2024

This week in research #28

The blog's been quiet this week as I have been travelling. However, research marches on. Here's what caught my eye in research over the past week:

  • Fernholz and Kramer (with ungated earlier version here) find that city population distributions for White populations in the US follow Zipf's and Gibrat's Laws from 1910 to 2020, but that Black populations only do so from the second half of the 20th Century, consistent with restricted mobility out of the South for Black populations
  • Bian and Zhou find that industrial robot adoption has a significant negative effect on the internal migration inflows at the city level in China, while having little effect on internal migration outflows
  • Bryson et al. (open access) find that there is little effect of head coach turnover on football (soccer) team performance, using data from the professional leagues in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain from 2000/01-2014/15

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