Friday 31 May 2024

This week in research #25

 Here's what caught my eye in research over the past week:

  • Yang and Zhang look at the short- and medium-term impacts of online teaching during COVID-19 on the academic performance of high school freshmen in Zhejiang Province, China, and find that online teaching had short-term negative effects on Chinese performance in the high-performing school and math performance in the mid-performing school but no significant effects on other tests and in the low-performing school (a bit of a mixed bag, really)
  • Ferguson reports a new meta-analysis of the effect of social media on mental health, finding that meta-analytic evidence for causal effects was statistically no different than zero (not good news for Jonathan Haidt, see here and here)
  • Claudia Goldin's Nobel lecture is now available, published in the American Economic Review

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