Wednesday 11 December 2019


What does an economics professor do when they have three cats and too much time on their hands? Create a website called Kittyconomics, of course. People love cat videos. So, what better way to help people love economics, than using cat videos to do so?

You can also view the videos on the Kittyconomics YouTube channel. At the moment, there are only four short (about 90 seconds long) videos, on: (1) Preferences; (2) Value; (3) Opportunity cost; and (4) Scarcity. They don't quite explain things in the way I would, and I'd question the order of the videos (for instance in ECONS101 and ECONS102, I talk about scarcity before talking about opportunity cost).

However, they are fun and useful, and a good way to make some lazy cats earn their keep. Enjoy!

[HT: Marginal Revolution]

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