Thursday 7 December 2017

Female representation in economics

The RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) blog reported last month on female representation:
Thanks to the ranking of female authors in RePEc, we have long known the share of women in the RePEc sample of more than 50K authors: 19%. We now know also the shares of women economists by country, US state, field of study and PhD cohort...
European countries are doing better than the world average, especially Latin and Eastern European countries, while Anglo-Saxons are the most masculine (is it that relatively higher salaries for the profession in Anglo-Saxon universities attract the most competitive men?). Latin America is generally below average (except for Colombia and Argentina) while Asia has very low shaes [sic] of female economists, with less than 6% in Japan, China and India, and 9% in Pakistan (you can sort by column in the link).
Where does New Zealand rank? Just ahead of the United States and Australia, in 31st (out of 61 countries in the ranking) with female participation of 16.2% (compared with U.S. 16.1%; Australia 15.9%, U.K. 18.2%). However, things are not nearly so good at the top. The top 25% ranking for New Zealand economists can be found here. Of the 66 economists in that list, only five (that's 7.6% for those of you keeping score) are women (#26 Suzi Kerr; #44 Trinh Le; #58 Anna Strutt; #59 Rhema Vaithianathan; and #61 Hatice Ozer-Balli).

One other thing that's interesting about the RePEc blog post, in light of my post about the Wu and Card research earlier this week, is the difference in economists on Twitter:
While women represent 19% of the RePEc authors, they are only 14% in the Twitter subsample. Looking at the Top 25% of this list of RePEc/Twitter economists by number of followers (3rd row), the proportion of women falls to less than 13%. In fact, the total audience of these women among the top 25% is a little over 3%.
That's not at all surprising, if the online world is as hostile for female economists as the Wu and Card research seems to suggest.

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